2020年最新雅思阅读判断题技巧 雅思阅读判断题实例解析

时间:2020-10-21 14:39:53 来源:作者:匿名

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2020年最新雅思阅读判断题技巧 雅思阅读判断题实例解析






1、题干:Pilkington's first full-scale plant was an instant commercial success.

 原文:Pilkington built a pilot plant in 1953 and by 1955 he had convinced his company to build a full-scale plant. However, it took 14 months of non-stop production, costing the company £100,000 a month, before the plant produced any usable glass. Furthermore, once they succeeded in making marketable flat glass, the machine was turned off for a service to prepare it for years of continuous production. When it started up again it took another four months to get the process right again. They finally succeeded in 1959 and there are now float plants all over the world, with each able to produce around 1000 tons of glass every day, non-stop for around 15 years.

看到题干信息Pilkington's first full-scale plant was an instant commercial success.我们应该画出定位词first full-scale plant和instant commercial success。由此可以定位到原文的此段落,说到Pilkington built a pilot plant in 1953 and by 1955 he had convinced his company to build a full-scale plant. However, furthermore 和 finally描绘了这一过程的艰辛,与题干的instant矛盾。所以这题应该选择False.

2、题干: Any street child can set up their own small business if given enough support.

原文:Being an entrepreneur is not for everyone, nor for every street child.

题干:如果给予足够支持,“任何”孩子都可以建立自己的公司。与原文: “并不是” “每个人”都适合当老板,街头儿童也是如此。原文和题干相悖答案选FALSE.

3、题干:6There is a wider range of achievement amongst English pupils studying maths than amongst their Japanese counterparts.

 解题关键词:a wider range of achievement文中对应点:Section A:Japan has a significantly better record in terms of average mathematical attainment than England and Wales. Large sample international comparisons of pupils' attainments since the 1960s have established that not only did Japanese pupils at age 13 have better scores of average attainment, but there was also a larger proportion of 'low' attainers in England, where, incidentally, the variation in attainment scores was much greater. The percentage of Gross National Product spent on education is reasonably similar in the two countries, so how is this higher and more consistent attainment in maths achieved?



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