
时间:2020-04-13 05:25:09 来源:新浪教育_新浪网作者:辽宁省本溪市


今年的高考,必将是一次特殊的高考。日前,教育部宣布,受疫情影响,2020年高考延期一个月至7月7日、8日举行。高考,对于全国报名考生而言,是人生之路、成长之路上的重要一步。高考延期后,考生如何在疫情防控常态化的当下合理、从容备考,引发全社会关注。If there are any tips teachers can offer to their students taking part in this year's Gaokao, it will be to have a brave heart and prepare well.China's Ministry of Education in late March announced postponing the national college entrance examination, or Gaokao, by a month, to July 7 and 8 because of the novel coronavirus pandemic. Matthew effect 高考延期,是配合疫情防控的必要之举。不过,有专家提醒,备考“战线”拉长,有可能导致出现“好的更好,差的更差”的情况。Experts in education warned of the possibility that A-list students will get better grades and weaker students will fare poorer due to the delay. This phenomenon is linked to the Matthew effect, which posits a widening gap between those who perform better and those with lower scores. 哈尔滨市第一中学教师袁丽红分析,学生自主复习能力强弱对冲刺备考质量影响很大,那些平时基础好、自律性强、学习主动性高的考生更可能脱颖而出,而自律性差、自主学习能力较弱的考生分数可能越来越差。Yuan Lihong, teacher of the Harbin No.1 Senior High School in northeast China's Heilongjiang Province, pointed out that the ability for self-review is critical to preparedness. "It is easier for students who are self-motivated and have good educational foundation to stand out from the exam," Yuan noted.


Teachers encourage examinees at an exam venue in Guiyang, capital of southwest China's Guizhou Province, June 7, 2018. /Xinhua对此,扬州市教育科学研究院教研员王峰认为,当前学校、教师和学生要抓紧研究如何增加复习内容、调整复习节奏、创新复习形式。王峰表示,“从扬州市前期组织的两次在线模拟考试来看,不同类型学生之间差距较大,有无家长陪同、是否有优良自律性,影响不小。”他认为,学校、教师和家长要注意引导自我管理能力不强的学生,使其调整节奏,尽量保持高效复习状态。Hence, Wang Feng, specialist of Yangzhou Institute of Education Sciences in east China's Jiangsu Province, suggested students, especially those with lower scores, change the rhythm accordingly under the guidance of teachers and parents. Based on two mock examinations held in his city, Wang said "whether there are involvement of parents and strong self-discipline will badly affect students' performance," recommending students to be productive during their revision. A mission of the mind 多名专家表示,高考延期后,考生除了需要应对学习节奏上的调整,也需做好在冲刺阶段面临巨大精神压力的准备。多出30天,如何保持良好心态,避免被“烤糊”,对学校、教师、家长和考生都是一大考验。黑龙江教师发展学院高中教育研究培训中心主任金春兰指出,这30天里,学生可能出现兴奋、焦虑、茫然等不同的心理问题,需要加强引导疏解。学校可适时增设心理课程,开展心理健康辅导;同时应加强家校共育,通过定期召开线上家长会等方式,为家长“指点迷津”。But for high school graduates writing this year's Gaokao, an extra month also means a mission of the mind.  Jin Chunlan, director of Heilongjiang Institute of Education in northeast China's Heilongjiang Province, believes that the additional 30 days will have a psychological effect on students, such as excitement, anxiety and absence, which requires psychological counseling.


Students play basketball at the middle school attached to Sichuan University, southwest China's Sichuan Province, April 1, 2020. /Xinhua"Schools are advised to set up some courses to counsel students on how to adjust mentality," Jin said, adding that online teacher-parent conference is always necessary for home-school education. 除此之外,南京市金陵中学校长孙夕礼等专家提醒,高温炎热天气所带来的疲惫感、斗志涣散等“情绪病”也是这30天里考生可能面临的“大敌”,需要预先考虑对策,有针对性地调适。国家教育考试指导委员会专家组成员陈志文也表示,考生和家长要主动调整心态,明确自己追求的考试目标,合理安排复习时间、内容和难度,保证休息时间和睡眠质量,从而缓解备考焦虑情绪。Sun Xili, principal of Jinling High School in Nanjing, capital of east China's Jiangsu Province, reminded students to be aware of scorching weather and tiredness; Chen Zhiwen, member of National Education Test Steering Committee, told students to arrange time properly, adjust rest time and study time so as to relieve anxiety. Ensure fairness in process 21世纪教育研究院副院长熊丙奇表示,推迟高考时间,实际上更大程度地保障了疫情防控下的高考公平。Postponing Gaokao schedule also fundamentally reflects the fairness of China's national college entrance examination, Xiong Bingqi, a deputy director of the Shanghai-based 21st Century Education Research Institute said. 熊丙奇说,虽然从1月底开始各地就按照教育部的部署开展线上教学,但不同地区、学校的在线教育准备情况不同,不同家庭学生的在线学习条件也不同。尤其是在一些贫困地区,网络信号差、学生没有智能手机等现状可能加深本就存在的城乡教育差距,而这些都是在决定高考是否延期时所必须考虑的因素。对此,《人民日报》也表示——“高考延期通盘考虑疫情和学情,既有因应时势的必要性,也有彰显公平的正当性。”While sticking to the original schedule may seem fair since all examinees from the same province take the exam at the same time, the expert pointed out that from a justice perspective, it's not fair for students from rural or poor families. Although students from final year of senior high school have taken online courses at home since January 30, poor internet access and insufficient family supervision and guidance have all widened the educational divide between urban and rural children.


A girl attends online classes in a tent outside a remote village in Hubei provincein February, 2020. /XinhuaThus, providing students with online resources doesn't mean that the learning effect is the same, said Xiong, adding that it depends on students' acceptability and teachers' education experience. Many urban children have the experience of enrolling in online tutoring classes so they can easily adapt to online education, but for many poor students online education is a new study style and they need time to adjust at online school, according to Xiong. He added the situation is same for teachers. Teachers in urban schools have richer online education practice experience and for many rural teachers, online education is still a struggle. The education expert believed it is necessary for rural students to have complete final-year study experience to catch up. 10.7 million 高考延期的消息发布之后,教育部高校学生司司长王辉给出了这样一组数据:2020年高考报名人数1071万,相比去年增加了40万人。一些专家表示,考生人数的增加,势必会加剧考生对名校之间的角逐。虽然高考延期不可避免地带来一些挑战,但许多考生表示,只要按部就班沉着备考,保持从容积极的心态,梦想总在前方。According to the ministry of education, 10.7 million Chinese students will sit for Gaokao this year. The last peak nationwide came in 2008 with 10.53 million candidates.


The enrollment expansion policy including establishing more higher education institutions and expanding vocational college enrollment has resulted in growing admission rate in recent years . Nevertheless, analysts said this year's substantial increase in the number of candidates is bound to further intensify competition on getting into key universities.  Thus, with an eye on the pandemic, students with plans to study abroad may reconsider taking the route of Gaokao. These competitive students can also intensify the competition for examinees looking to enter top schools in the country. Based on the number of people studying abroad in 2018, it is estimated that in 2020, the number of students going abroad should be close to 700 thousand. (Source:新华网、中新网等)





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